MEET ETHEL! Ethel is a super cute 8 weeks old black puppy. In the pictures she looks a little scruffy because she was covered in ticks. We pulled about 30 from insider he ears. Coco is her mom. She is really really sweet and she was really patient while we pulled all the ticks out. She was also very laid back while I was there but she has just woken up from a big nap (we actually had a hard time waking her up!) so that may be why. She is very very cute!
UPDATE FROM FOSTER FAMILY: Have you ever considered just how awesome pine straw is? No? Me either. However I was taught this lesson by little Ethel. You see pine straw is an amazing toy – you can pounce on it, roll around in it, chew on it and dig in it. Yup. And then there are leaves – but we’ll leave those for future update. Ethel has fit right in at her foster home. She is ALL puppy with 2 modes: ON where she loves to run (or bounce around), chew, play with toys (especially Mr Monkey – the toy she picked out all by herself) and her foster sisters and of course gives lots & lots of puppy kisses. Then there is OFF. And when the switch is turned off she crashes and coos. How cute.She has had no issue with the crate and is one very curious little girl. She will make a great addition to an active family.Stay tuned as we learn more about her and even some pictures of this happy girl.