Dear Friends & Supporters of Labrador Friends of The South  (LFS),

12 years back, we joined LFS as volunteers helping with Fostering.  You know the typical story of “Failure Fosters!”  Yes, our third Foster, was a 2-ish old Chocolate. Lab. 

She was found abandoned in the North Georgia woods and  rescued by Labrador Friends of the South (LFS).  A foster home was needed to help transfer her from badly an abused / fearful world to a safe place .  We were able to Foster her.  She was a beautiful Lab but she had two a very bad two years – abused!  She very afraid of men. It was not an easy time for her to transition to our home, but she tried.  Other members of LFS were so supportive in sharing ways to ease this Lab into a trusting, safe environment.  After several months, we fell in love with  her and asked LFS if we could adopt her.  We named her Mollie.

We realized immediately that Mollie had been badly abused by a tall man wearing a baseball cap!  She was afraid of strangers but mostly MEN.  With patience and care, we were able to bring her to the realization that not all people are mean, that most folks love & need pets.  Our neighbors were so supportive as well as other LFS volunteers.  It was a slow transition for trust and a feeling of security.  But, over time, Mollie started to enjoy life and just being a dog, especially a Lab again.  She learned that love is a two-way street. She made many friends in the neighborhood and loved going up to Lake Hartwell to enjoy the woods, the water and the dock.  But unlike most Labs, she didn’t like to go swimming in the Lake!  At the lake yes, in it no. 

We continued to foster other LFS Rescues – At first, Mollie was receptive  & sensitive to a new friend. But, she would get tired of being a “foster – helper” and was so happy when LFS found a “forever home for the foster.”   Then, LFS would call about another rescued Lab and it would start all over again!  Little did Mollie know how important she was to showing the new rescued Lab that life CAN & WILL BE A SAFE PLACE.   

Fast forward 12 years:  Prior to our recent anniversary trip in May, we sensed / observed changes in Mollie’s nighttime behavior. At first, we attributed it just to her fear of lighting & thunder – – but WITH stronger anxiety, etc. When we returned before Memorial Day, Mollie spent a week with us at Lake Hartwell – one of her favorite places: woods to run in, lake water & dock-time.  GREAT!  But at night, she would become  very anxious & disoriented – almost like a person experiencing an anxiety attack.  Something was not right. 

She had turned 14 in January which is a long life-time for Laboratory Retrievers. When we realized age & illnesses were settling in, we didn’t want Mollie to suffer like her early years.  So, the animal humaine decision was made to allow her to pass without pain, fear.  Instead, with comfort.  IT  WAS HARD to let go, but we both felt it was a “gift” we could give her after she brought us so many pleasant times to us and our family

It was time for Mollie to cross the Rainbow Bridge and join her fellow LFS rescues waiting on the other side.  A place of peace and comfort knowing she still is loved. 

Chuck & Joyce Garland

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