Happy New Beginner Sasha. I know your previous mom misses you but I hope that seeing you with such cute new friends will make her feel better. Here is Sasha’s story:Labrador Friends of the South Adopted - Sashan

Meet Sasha. She was adopted from us as a puppy in April 2012. She is now 18 months old. Unfortunately the family’s special needs kid is becoming increasingly violent with her and her mom has decided that for her own safety it would be better to re-home her. Her mom loves her dearly and this is very hard for her. So we need to find Sasha an amazing home so that her mom can feel a little better. Can you help us find her a great home?

Here is more about Sasha. She has no behavioral issues. She knows sit, down, leave it, shake, and stay.  She can jump a bit when excited but as soon as you say “off” or “down”, she obeys. She does get nervous when we are all in the pool. She tries to “grab’ the children’s arms and pull them out of the water. It is sweet that she wants to “protect” them, but it just causes her too much stress so we just don’t bring her down. She is NOT a barker. She does cry and “whine” when lonely. She will bark if someone new arrives in the home, but she doesn’t bark for any other reason – ever! She is crate-trained and sleeps in it at night. She is not in the crate during the day because I am home with her. She NEEDS and CRAVES human interaction and she is used to her mom working from home so the ideal home for her would be with someone home a lot.  She is not afraid of anything (thunder, loud noises, men, umbrellas, etc) like some dogs. She is quite friendly & curious. She will chew items left on the floor (her turf) and can be a counter-surfer if you do not train her otherwise. She lives on Nyla Bones because she can chew them forever and she can’t destroy them. She plows through doggie toys in 3 minutes flat. Even Kongs… she will EAT the Kong, not just the peanut butter. She WILL eat shoes if you leave them out. She WILL eat the remote control if you leave it on the couch. I view this as a human error, not a doggie one. She’s a Lab. Lab’s chew. If you leave it out, she’s gonna chew it. She does NOT chew walls, wood, furniture or anything like that. Just items she views as toys. She sheds very little. You won’t believe it until you see it. She is not a typical Lab-type shredder. It’s crazy awesome. She loves water, bath time & swimming, but she won’t spontaneously jump in a lake.  She is on an invisible fence and she does VERY well with it. She has NEVER escaped. She is as close to perfect as doggies get.

Labrador Friends of the South Available Lab - Sasha-1-8 Labrador Friends of the South Available Lab - Sasha-1-3

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