We lost our sweet Kayla Christmas Eve. She was determined to see our mama have her sweet 65th Birthday on the 23rd and by gosh she did.

Today I said the words I knew were coming but dreaded, good bye. I said goodbye to my number one ride or die. I had to let her cross the rainbow bridge. We all talk about our childhood dogs, but no one talks about the pet we get in our 20s. The companion who is next to us through nursing school, new jobs, relationship woes, and us stumbling to find ourselves. You were and are my best decision, the best companion, and the best cuddler. Thank you for loving me unconditionally, even when my 20s got crazy. I love you Kayla, and I hope they have all the squirrels for you to chase in doggy heaven.

We loved that bug. Thank you for trusting me with her. She was the best partner and companion through life I could have ever asked for.

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