After four years and eight months, I had to say goodbye to my special girl. She was abandoned overnight in the rain in a crate left outside a vet’s office. There was a note that said, “take care of her because I can’t.” She wasn’t a Lab, but she was a very sweet dog that deserved a better life than she had. The vet speculated she had been hit by a car at some point. I couldn’t fix the past, but what I could do was make sure she spent the latter years of her life fed, warm, safe, dry, and most importantly, loved. Valley never asked for much. She didn’t wrestle or play with the other dogs. She was happy just to be included. She really enjoyed a good scratch behind the ears. Valley loved to stretch out on a dog bed in front of the fireplace in the colder months and enjoyed the sun on the back deck in the spring and summer. She never complained about anything. Her tail would wag at top speed whenever she saw me start to open the food bucket. Eventually, her legs could not carry her anymore, and the decision we all dread had to be made. I cannot express how lucky I am that I was able to provide her with the kind of life she deserved. You will be missed Valley, you did far more for me than I could ever do for you. Mark

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