Labrador Friends Adopted - Sasha

Happy Gotcha Day SashaLabrador Friends of the South - Available Lab Sasha 4

Sasha is  3 years old and incredibly sweet. She is house trained and knows sit. She clearly needs to get on a diet but we are really good at that!

UPDATE FROM FOSTER MOM: Sasha is doing great!  I think she might have a little cold, though.     She is all smiles and waggy tails–and super sweet. She really is a perfect dog, and I think she would make any family happy.  She is very gentle–she will let you go through doorways first.  You can hug on her, no problem. She is a momma’s girl though.  She was very excited when I got home last night after my softball game,  and followed me around.  She loves the couch and bed, but she won’t force herself up.  If you say “no” she will listen.  She is good with her food and her toys with Luther–there have been no fights.  I  really don’t know why she is such a big girl because she doesn’t beg for people food nor does she scarf her food down.  I think she might be a grazer, however.  I think she likes to eat at her convenience.  We haven’t walked her yet, but I plan on doing that today to see how she is on a leash. I also think she would be a good protective dog without being an annoying protective dog.  She already barked when she heard the squealing brakes of the UPS truck.  I just told her it was okay, and she was fine.  But then her and Luther got into what I call a barking symphony duo–she barks once then he barks once, she barks again, then he barks.  I think they were trying to figure out why the other one was barking–it was quite funny.

Labrador Friends of the South - Available Lab Sasha 6
Labrador Friends of the South - Available Lab Sasha 1
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