
Surrounded by the family that loves him, Ponski has crossed the rainbow bridge. My determined foster flunky with the big ears knew he belong to me from the start. The rescue group called him Dumbo because of those ears. It made some people upset because they thought...


Our time with our precious Georgia was too short, but the love she gave over the past 18 months was unmatched. She was mischievous until the end. Run free, our little girl….now you can play, dig holes and eat anything you want.   ...


Last week we unexpectedly had to say good bye to our wonderful old Chocolate girl, Lily. Once known as “Minnie Pearl” (that got changed quickly), Lily and her litter mate Sadie (our black dog) were adopted through Labrador Friends of the South on October...


On Friday we woke up to discover that our sweet Miss. Toffee had crossed over the rainbow bridge in her sleep. We knew that she had been slowing down in recent weeks but her sudden passing took us by complete surprise. We are comforted in knowing that she was at home...


We lost our sweet Kayla Christmas Eve. She was determined to see our mama have her sweet 65th Birthday on the 23rd and by gosh she did. Today I said the words I knew were coming but dreaded, good bye. I said goodbye to my number one ride or die. I had to let her cross...

Wrigley (Elvis)

Hi, everyone – We’re heartbroken to share that our precious Wrigley (formerly Elvis) crossed the Rainbow Bridge yesterday. He was a beloved member of our family for over 15 years! Wrigley was a peanut butter connoisseur, refusing to take his daily medication enrobed...


Marley was in our embrace yesterday, as the last beat of her heart in this world became her first heartbeat in Heaven. We sure tried to cram a lifetime of love into her final months. June through December was not long enough for us. Not all humans are worthy of a dog....


  We said goodbye to our sweet Old Tiff today. We got her a couple of years ago at the ripe young age of 15. Labrador Friends of the South, Inc. said that she was brought into a shelter in Winder to be put down ‘because she couldn’t walk’. She...


  We lost our sweet little Josie last week. She was 14 and a cuddle bug. Her favorite day was “empty peanut butter jar day”. She was so funny! She would chase a tennis ball as long as you would throw it! Josie watched tv…and when a dog was on the screen she...


Our hearts will be forever thankful for all the volunteers at Labrador Friends of the South as they rescued and nurtured our best dog ever — Cisco! Found wandering the streets of Paulding County, Robin fostered him and nursed him back to health as he had a...


We first met Molly the Wonder Dog when we saw her ridiculous smile on the Labrador Friends website in 2007. I HAD to meet that dog and she instantly became my best friend. Molly absolutely LOVED people and she was a true office dog greeting everyone with her toys,...


Mr Sammy Lfs alumni Mr Simba from the Disney Litter. On 9/30, we had to put our sweet Sammy down. His enlarged, cancerous spleen took him quick! With just 3 weeks after original diagnosis, Sammy could no longer fight the good fight. This boy loved his people. He...